Test Cases for Hospital Management System

Автор: | 16 июля, 2023

Test Cases for Hospital Management System

  1. Verify that the portal for new patient registration has all the mandatory fields required for registering a patient.
  2. Verify that after filling the patient details and successful payment a Patient-Card is printed.
  3. Verify that card has information like patient details, doctor assigned, department, the application number, DOJ, bed allocated(if applicable) etc.
  4. Verify that after patient checkup based on the requirement the details are updated in the patient details database.
  5. Verify that for existing patients based on the application number of the patient, their records are added/updated in the database.
  6. Verify that the system has an admin for doctors as well.
  7. Verify that for each doctor’s details like their timings, specialty, fee, patient visited etc is visible to the authorized users.
  8. Verify that new details of new doctors can be added to the system.
  9. Verify that the details of existing users can be updated in the system.
  10. Verify that the doctor’s record can be deleted from the system.
  11. Verify the billing admin of the system calculates the bill based on the patient’s unique application number from the data generated from different systems.
  12. Verify that the hard copy of the bill can be generating by printing the bill.
  13. Verify that authorized users can also see total day-wise billing done.
  14. Verify the admin for hospital inventory, room and bed management.
  15. Verify that the admin has the record of all the equipment, machines and medicines and the same gets updated when used or added to the system.
  16. Verify that the admin has a record of rooms and beds availability and the same gets updated based on their allotment and departure to patients.

Test Case Examples

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