Test scenarios of Google Search
- Verify that the response fetched for a particular keyword is correct and related to the keyword, containing links to the particular webpage
- Verify that the response are sorted by relevancy in descending order i.e. most relevant result for the keyword are displayed on top
- Verify that response for multi word keyword is correct
- Verify that response for keywords containing alphanumeric and special characters is correct
- Verify that the link title, URL and description have the keyword highlighted in the response
- Verify auto-suggestion in Google e.g. providing input as ‘fac’ should give suggestions like ‘facebook’, ‘facebook massenger’, ‘facebook chat’ etc
- Verify that response fetched on selecting the suggested keyword and on providing the keyword directly should be same
- Verify that the suggestion provided by Google are sorted by most popular/relevant suggestions
- Verify that user can make search corresponding to different categories – web, images, videos, news, books etc and response should correspond to the keyword in that category only
- Verify that misspelled keyword should get corrected and response corresponding to the correct keyword should get displayed
- Verify that multi word misspelled keywords also get corrected
- Verify the performance of search- check if the time taken to fetch the response is within the ballpark
- Verify that total number of results fetched for a keyword
- Verify that the search response should be localised that is response should be more relevant to the country/area from which the search request is initiated
- Verify Google calculator service- make any arithmetic request, calculator should get displayed with correct result
- Verify Google converter service- make request like- 10USD in INR and check if the result is correct
- Verify search response for a large but valid strings
- Verify that incorrect keywords – keywords not having related result should lead to “did not match any documents” response
- Verify that user can make search using different languages
- Verify that for a keywords, some related search terms are also displayed to aid user’s search
- Verify that for number of results more than the limit on a single page, pagination should be present, clicking on which user can navigate to subsequent page’s result
- Verify Google’s advanced search options like- searching within a website, searching for files of specific extension
- Verify if the search is case-insensitive or not
- Verify the functionality of “I’m feeling Lucky” search- the top most search result should get directly returned (but as of now google doodle page link is displayed)
UI Test Cases for Google Search
- Verify that Google Logo is present and centre aligned
- Verify that the search textbox is centre aligned and editable
- Verify that search request should get hit by clicking on search button or hitting enter after writing the search term
- Verify that in the search result- webpage’s title, URL and description are present
- Verify that clicking the search result will lead to the corresponding web page
- Verify that pagination is present in case number of results are greater than the maximum results allowed in a page
- Verify that user can navigate to a page number directly or move to previous or next page using the links present
- Verify that different languages links are present and gets applied on clicking the same
- Verify that the total number of results for the keyword is displayed
- Verify that the time taken to fetch the result is displayed