Архив рубрики: English

Tutorials on English

Test case creation in script mode

Test case creation in script mode In this tutorial, we are going to learn, test script creation using Katalon Studio’s script mode. In script mode, we use Groovy language to create test scripts. User can directly start writing the test script by clicking the Script tab.

Test Cases for Pen

Test Cases for Pen Hello Friends! In this post, we will study – how to write test cases for Pen. Going through these test cases will not only help you in your testing interviews but will also help you in understanding the process of test case creation which you can utilize while creating test cases… Читать далее »

String in Java

String in Java In this article, we are going to learn about String in Java. It is important to learn about Strings in an entirely different article because it has got a lot of applications in Java. Thus, it is highly significant to know what strings are, how they function in Java, their various methods… Читать далее »

Test Scenarios of Kindle

Test Scenarios of Kindle Verify that the dimensions of the Kindle device are as per the specifications. Verify the screen resolution or the pixel density of the kindle. Verify that ebooks are easily loaded in kindle. Verify that the text is written is easily readable. Check the ebook format supported by the device – .azw,… Читать далее »

JMeter Download and Installation

JMeter Download and Installation In this tutorial, we will learn how to download, install or rather setup JMeter on Windows, Linux and Mac. Since JMeter is Java-based, so it runs all the operating systems that are Java compliant. Just make sure your machines have the latest version of Java (JVM) installed.

Testing Blog

Testing Blog A testing blog where you can find the review of the best testing tools in the market for