Test Scenarios for Microwave Oven

Автор: | 28 мая, 2023

Test Scenarios for Microwave Oven

  1. Verify that the dimensions of the oven are as per the specification provided.
  2. Verify that the oven’s material is optimal for its use as an oven and as per the specification.
  3. Verify that the oven heats the food at the desired temperature properly.
  4. Verify that oven heats food at the desired temperature within a specified time duration.
  5. Verify the ovens functioning with maximum attainable temperature.
  6. Verify the ovens functioning with minimum attainable temperature.
  7. Verify that the oven’s plate rotation is speed is optimal and not too high to spill the food kept over it.
  8. Verify that the oven’s door gets closed properly.
  9. Verify that the oven’s door opens smoothly.
  10. Verify the battery requirement of the microwave oven and check that it function’s smoothly at that power.
  11. Verify that the text written over the oven’s body is clearly readable.
  12. Verify that the digital display is clearly visible and functions correctly.
  13. Verify that the temperature regulator is smooth to operate.
  14. Verify that the temperature regulator works correctly.
  15. Check the maximum capacity of the oven and test its functioning with that volume of food.
  16. Check oven’s functionality with different kinds of food – solid, liquid.
  17. Check the oven’s functionality with different food at different temperatures.
  18. Verify the oven’s functionality with different kinds of container material.
  19. Verify that the power cord of the oven is long enough.
  20. Verify that the usage instruction or user manuals have clear instructions.

Test Case Examples

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