Архив за месяц: Май 2023

Keyboard Actions in Selenium WebDriver

Keyboard Actions in Selenium WebDriver In our beginner’s tutorials, we have seen the sendKeys() method which simulates the keyboard typing action on a textbox or input type element. But this method is not sufficient for handling complex keyboard actions. For this, Selenium has an Actions class which provides different methods for Keyboard interactions. In this… Читать далее »

JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver

JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver In this post, we will study – how to execute javascript code in Selenium webdriver and find the scenarios where we need to use the javascript code instead of the different methods of selenium.

Characteristics of Computer

Characteristics of Computer With the advancement in technology, computers are now part of our day-to-day chores. This makes it very important that we understand the different

What is Agile Testing – Features, Methods, Pros and Cons

What is Agile Testing – Features, Methods, Pros and Cons Hello friends! in this article we will be studying Agile Testing, which is one of the most commonly used testing approaches in today’s fast-changing IT world. In general English, the word ‘agile’ means ‘being able to move quickly’ and in

Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle In the initial days of the software development life cycle, software used to be created using an Adhoc model – the ‘Build and fix’ model. In this model, the software application is created without any design specification. The development team builds the application and deliver it to the customer. The customer… Читать далее »

Difference between SDLC and STLC

Difference between SDLC and STLC Hello friends, in this post, we are going to study the difference between SDLC and STLC. Along with that, we will see the mapping between their different phases. So, let’s begin with this article on SDLC vs STLC, starting with their definitions first.