API Testing Tutorial
Our API testing tutorial is designed for beginners with little or no previous knowledge of web services. We will start with the basics of Web services and then cover the two types of web services – REST and SOAP. As the tutorial progresses, we will learn to test these services manually as well as automate them using different tools and libraries.
API Basics
- What is a Web Service? – Learn about web services, their features, and the two types of web services – REST and SOAP.
- Difference between REST and SOAP Web Services – Find the difference between REST and SOAP web services.
- Rest API Manual Testing Tools – Know about different tools using which we can manually test RESTful APIs.
Rest API Automation
- With Katalon Studio
- Rest API Automation using Katalon Studio – Learn Rest API automation using the Katalon Studio tool, along with a sample script.
- With Rest-assured in Java
- Rest API Get Method Automation using Rest-assured – HTTP Get method automation using Rest-assured in Java.
- Rest API POST Method Automation using Rest-assured – HTTP Post method automation using Rest-assured in Java.
- With JMeter
- Rest API Testing using JMeter – Learn REST API testing using JMeter tool.
- SOAP Web Service Testing using JMeter – Learn SOAP Web Service testing using the JMeter tool.